PDF – JCAS VOLUME 18, ISSUE 1, February 2021
Issue Introduction: Getting Back to Our Roots
Amber E. George and Nathan Poirier
pp. 1-3
Essay: Zoögogy of the Oppressed
Ralph Acampora
pp. 4-18
Essay: Silence Abets Violence: The Case for the Liberation Pledge
nico stubler
pp. 19-51
Essay: Being Consistently Biocentric: On the (Im)Possibility of Spinozist Animal Ethics
Chandler D. Rogers
pp. 52-72
Essay: Mediating a Global Capitalist, Speciesist Moral Vacuum: How Two Escaped Pigs disrupted Dyson Appliances’ State of Nature
Matthew David and Nathan Stephens-Griffin
Poem: Sacred Space (An Environmental Poem)
Stefan Sencerz
pp. 100-103
Poem: Activism, Ag-gag, Accountability
Samantha Skinner
pp. 104-106
Author Biographies
pp. 107-108
JCAS Submission Guidelines
pp. 109-110